
Natural Habitat
These small freshwater fish originated from Africa and South America in the tropical and subtropical regions. They are found in tropical rivers and streams that host a lot of submerged vegetation.
Maximum Size and Longevity
As Tetras are such a diverse species their sizing and life expectancy can greatly vary. They do typically range from 2 – 12cm and can live between 1 year to several years.
Water Quality
The water quality is dependent on the origin of the species of fish, however most Tetras that are bred and purchased in aquariums originated in South America and like their water soft and slightly acidic. Its important to research your species of Tetra to ensure correct water quality.
Temperature: 20 – 26 degrees celsius
pH: 6 – 7. 0
General Hardness: 50 – 150 ppm
Tetras are omnivores and eat a wide range of foods. As Tetras have such small mouths its important to feed them the correct kind of food so they can get all the nourishment they need. It is recommended to use small dry pellets with a variety of dry and frozen foods.
Tetras do well in a community tank however due to their size they should not be placed with larger species as they may get eaten. Tetras thrive when in large schools usually needing at least six as the minimum.
Colours and Varieties
Tetras come in a wide variety of colours and patterns. Most of the species have a silver background with bright colours like red and blue present across the body. Some species have been selectively bred to have longer fins and assorted colours such as albino or golden.
In most of the Tetra species there is a minimal difference between the males and females, as such they can be quite difficult to identify. In some species of Tetra there will be a visible difference in the colours and patterns, fin length and size to indicate the sex. Tetras can be difficult to breed as they require a particular water quality, however advanced aquarium keepers can breed the most common of Tetras.