Siamese Fighting Fish

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Siamese Fighting Fish

Siamese Fighting Fish originated from Thailand and Malaysia and are extremely popular all over the world.

Water Quality

  • pH approx.: 7.0
  • GH 50-150ppm

Siamese Fighting Fish like warmer water, the water needs to at least stay above 18 degrees. Ideal temperature is 25 degrees. If living in colder climates their tanks may require a heater.

Maximum Size and Longevity

 These fish can grow up to 8cm long and life span ranges from 2- 4years in captivity.


 Siamese Fighting Fish come in a wide array of spectacular colours with red, blue and greens being the most popular. The males are known for their exquisite finnage and bright colours whereas the females have smaller fins and are less colourful.


Siamese Fighting Fish are primarily carnivorous however enjoy eating a varied diet with floating pellets, freeze dried and live blackworm being popular options. These fish should be fed in small amounts daily. When feeding Siamese Fighting Fish in a shared aquarium, more care is required when feeding to ensure they are the ones to actually get the food.


Male Siamese Fighting Fish are extremely aggressive towards other male Siamese Fighting Fish and should not be placed in the tank together as they will fight to the death. They are relatively peaceful with all other fish and are a colourful asset to your aquarium.


These are a simple fish to breed, and breeding is straightforward. The females lay the eggs and the male will then transport them to the bubble nest where they will stay until they are ready to hatch

In Home Tanks

When using small tanks, you will need to frequently complete water changes and maintenance using a water conditioner. In more established aquariums Siamese Fighting Fish will thrive in an environment that has low population levels, good water quality, low bacteria levels, and lots of hiding places. You do need to watch out for other fish eating or nipping at their finnage. It is important to ensure they have enough room to move about freely.





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