Sucking Catfish – Gyrinacheilus Aymonieri

Sucking Catfish – Gyrinacheilus Aymonieri main image Sucking Catfish – Gyrinacheilus Aymonieri image

Sucking Catfish – Gyrinacheilus Aymonieri

Natural Habitat

These fish were originally found in Thailand. They inhabit environments that have flowing streams and tributaries with substrates of boulders, pebbles, gravel and sand, often in areas with submerged driftwood or tree roots.

Maximum Size

These fish can grow up to 12cm in an aquarium however can double the size in the wild.

Water Quality

· Temperature: 20°C - 26°C.

· pH: 6.5—7.5

· General Hardness: 50—150 ppm.


The Sucking Catfish is a bottom feeder that loves algae, sinking pellets work well for this kind of fish. They will eat a combination diet of dry or frozen food and prefer vegetable matter.


This fish will be a great asset to your tank and will help keep the algae at bay. They do not eat aquatic plants that are healthy but will quickly eat decomposing plant leaves ensuring your tank stays clean and free of algae.




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